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woensdag, 14 december 2011 19:35

Port La Nouvelle Nord (PLN) dicht?

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De (ook bij Nederlanders) populaire windsurfspot Port La Nouvelle Nord dreigt gesloten te worden!


Onze Franse windsurf collega's doen hierbij een oproep om ook de petitie te ondertekenen:


Since three years now the fantastic beach of PLN is in danger to be closed! This danger comes from two reasons, the Natura 2000 reserve on one part and the seaport on the other part. The ecologists of Natura 2000 do not want us on beach anymore, and the seaport , because of supposed dangers want to close the road leading to the beach! So in fact no way to reach the water. This strand is perfect for speed and slalom, many windsurfers perform very good GPS speed, you can ride from PLN to Gruissan and the wind is the harder of the coast.

To defend our interests we have founded an association and thanks to our efforts the beach remained open until now but the danger become worse, Natura 200 does not want to understand our point of view, they argue that no more cars will be allowed on beaches from now on, which includes Gruissan, PLN North, PLN South and of course Les Coussoules (beach of La Franqui already closed to circulation). The problem here is that if you cannot park on the beach, you cannot park at all!! the strands are very large and no areas of parking nearer than 700ms to 1km which in fact means the end of slalom and speed surfing in our region!!


As lovers of GPS contests you can help us at least by signing the petition of our association, the link is http://pln.windsurf.free.fr/. We have already thousands or signatures but we need more and if ever   you come nearby you can go the tourism office to say what you think about this. Thank you for your help to keep our region as the best of France for windsurfing!!!!


Annie Fouarge


Website: http://aa-lesfanasduwindsurf.blogspot.com/


Petitie: http://www.plnwindsurf.sitew.com/#Petition_statuts.B


Forum topic: http://forum.windsurfing.nl/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=13874180

Gelezen: 12182 keer Laatst aangepast op maandag, 26 november 2012 10:53

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